Huawei – Artificial Intelligence solutions in various settings and industries

23-03-2021 10:00 - 12:30

Hea Klient!

Kutsume sind 23.03.2021 kell 10:00 osalema Huawei webinarile! Räägime eri valdkondade tehisintellekti lahendustest. Teadmisi jagavad Telegrupp, Hauwei kui ka Silo.Ai. Palju näiteid Põhja-Euroopast kui ka mujalt.

Enne webinari lõppu toimub Hiinas Shenzhen-is Huawei virtuaaltuur. Vaatame üle mõninga näited tehisintellektidest: AI Data center, Intelligent Computing, Smart City ja Smart Campus.

Kõigile registreerunutele saadetakse Wolti 15€-ne voucher. Samuti toimub webinari lõpus Kahoot! Sel korral on Huawei välja pannud esikolmikule auhinnaks Smart Wristbandi



10:00 – 10:10


Welcome and introductions (Märt Pais, CTO – Telegrupp AS)

10:10 – 11:00





AI as an enabler for digitalization
(Johan Westin, CTO for Huawei EBG Nordics, Cloud & AI BG)
Presenting Huawei’s view on AI from” pure AI” to different practical use cases.
Showcasing how we work with AI today. We will take you on a practical AI journey, covering several areas and examples to view the diversification of AI use cases. It is not only about robotics; we will cover autonomous vehicles, fish, rainforests etc. And to finish it up, we will get a quick view on a high-profile topic AI and COVID 19, how Huawei contributes to making testing, diagnostics, etc., more effective through Huawei’s” EIHealth Antivirus Services: AI-assisted CT Patient Screening for COVID-19.

11:00 – 11:30




How AI improves the everyday life of citizens. Case examples of AI solutions in Nordic Europe
(Alexander Törnroth, Ecosystem & Partnership Lead at Silo.AI | Finland’s AI Accelerator FAIA)
Showcasing how has adapted and employed Huawei AI equipment to bring far-reaching AI solutions. team will not only provide practical cases showcasing of AI solutions in various settings but will explain the ever-growing impact of Artificial Intelligence. It is an opportunity to learn what the future holds and what we could do in order to better prepare and succeed in it.

11:30 – 12:15



Virtual tour at Huawei Artificial Intelligence Exhibition Hall in Shenzhen, China
AI Data Center, Intelligent Computing, Smart City, Smart Campus

12:15 – 12:30Kahoot!



Kõigile registreerunutele saadetakse eraldi ürituse link.